The Parental Learning for Uninterrupted Schooling (PLUS) Project started in 2021 and will be implemented over a period of 3 years. The project, also known as ‘PLUS Ghana’ is being implemented with support from the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and in collaboration with local communities and government education stakeholders.
The project targets the hard-to-reach communities in the districts of Kumbungu and Nanton in the Northern Region of Ghana. These areas have the lowest levels of primary school completion, and about 70% of the population 12 years and older have no formal education. Parent-teacher collaboration in pupil learning has been limited.​
Overall, the project seeks to support parental learning and strengthen Parent-Teacher engagement to empower a total of 3,600 parents in communities around 40 schools in the 2 districts. The project will reach approximately 7,315 learners (4,459 boys and 2,856 girls) in the upper primary and junior secondary school level.
It is expected that by the end of the project:
Increased capacity of parents in marginalised communities to support and get involved in the learning of their children;
Higher level of acceptance among school teachers and authorities of parental involvement in the learning activities of their children;
Increased community awareness and support for parental involvement in the learning of their children; and
Enhanced communication and collaboration between parents and teachers for parental involvement and support in schooling